Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Veganism on the rise

Isa Chandra Mosokowitz and Terry Hope Romero could be the next Rachel Rays of veganism.

This is great that a quarter of college students are actively seeking out vegan options.
Move toward vegan dining reflects nationwide shifts - Opinion

Mahatma Gandhi used to say that if we all ate a bit less we can feed a lot more hungry people.
A recent article has similar views. Harvard nutritionist Jean Mayer says that reducing U.S. meat production by 10 percent would free grain to feed 60 million people.

Heather Mills wants to be the next Oprah Winfrey through her cookery show.

Today's quote:

"Cooking is like love, it should be entered into with abandon or not at all"
Harriet van Horne

How true! Cooking is an act of love because when I am cooking I am thinking of what my loved ones like to eat and cook those delicacies for them.

Enjoy Cooking!

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