Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Vegan Mac and Cheese by MJ Jensen

Our department potluck was coming up and I was totally excited and thought of what I should make for the day of the event. 

We were having our Spring Potluck at work. There were several delicious vegan recipes. I made rice pilaf. My Manager cooked vegan Mac and cheese and it was out of this world. I definitely went for seconds after tasting this mac and cheese that melted in my mouth. The reason is the choice of vegan cheddar cheese and the combination of oat milk worked well.

I did not click any pictures for this office event. 

Ms. Jensen provided the following recipe for the blog. She is the guest author for this week.

Let me know your favorite vegan recipe.

You’ll need

A crockpot

4x 8oz packages of Violife shredded cheddar

1 small tub of country crock plant based butter

Planet Oat Oat milk

1 lb box of macaroni noodles

Cook mac noodles until done and strain and put in large bowl


½ cup of plant based butter

2 cups of oat milk

all of the violife cheese

2 tsp of salt

½ tsp of pepper

1 tsp of paprika (optional)

Mix thoroughly then transfer to crockpot. Turn crockpot on low for 3.5 hours. Stir prior to serving and enjoy!

Ps. You can also do this in a baking dish in the oven. I don’t know the exact time but I would think its 350 degrees for 30-45 minutes.. you’ll know when the cheese is melted!


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